I picked up this case today at a WSU surplus sale for $15. I’m pretty excited about it. The big problem with it is that it isn’t ATX standard, but that’s nothing that can’t be fixed. After I get a few other things done I think I’ll modify this and get my rig put inside it.
Is it BTX or something else?
Are you going to put your main gaming rig into it, or another rig? The case you have for your gaming rig is pretty sweet, I thought.
My CM stacker 830 is pretty awesome, but this is (believe it or not) bigger and looks better. It also isn’t made of mesh, so it would be a lot quieter. To put my rig in it I’d have to mod it to ATX, which would be nice for being future forward, but a bit of work. Maybe make it ATX and do a nice Alien Swarm mod to it when some DLC comes out for it? I have some other stuff I need to finish first though. For now I’ll just hang onto it.
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